Medicine Nutrition Acupuncture
Dr. Cynthia Quattro, P.A., L.Ac. DAOM
Cynthia Quattro offers Nutrition Based Health Consultations Unique to Your Health Condition
No one’s health concerns are the same as anothers. A unique health care plan designed specifically for you leads toward better and longer lasting results. A more Optimal Health Plan can prevent illness and stop chronic disease progression.
Integrative Health Medicine uses a health care strategy that reviews multiple health related factors and suggests practical ways to improve the quality of health and manage complex medical conditions.
A medical model that focuses on Health Care that is Restorative aims to be medically efficient without causing detrimental side effects. There are often many health care choices to make but it starts with a good diagnosis. Laboratory tests are one of the main tools to help to get closer to the root of the problem that is causing symptoms.
You can ORDER YOUR OWN LABORATORY TESTS. Here. LEARN MORE about how to order your own Laboratory tests. Here.
Restore Your Health!
Shakujyu Therapy Seminar
The Annual Seminar of Shakujyu Therapy Introduction Reprinted and revised from NAJOM September 2008 By Cynthia Quattro P.A., DAOM, L.Ac. The summer of 2008, I attended the 5th annual Shakujyu Therapy seminar. It was held at the New England School of Acupuncture (NESA)...
Arthritis and acupuncture
Arthritis is not just a single disease; it is a complex disorder involving multiple organ systems. Two of the most common forms of arthritis are categorized as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While these two forms of arthritis have very different causes, risk...
Health, Hormones and Weight Loss
Excess weight is associated with food intake; but it is also innately related to the hormones that affect the body’s metabolism. Achieving weight loss is one of today’s most common health concerns. In recent US studies 17 percent of children and 66 percent of adults...